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Boy Scout Troop 24 Athens, Alabama

How did we start?

In early 1997, 3 experienced scout leaders from Troop 240 had a vision to add another boy scout troop in Limestone County, Alabama. They wanted to do this by asking the men of a church to sponsor a Boy Scout troop. This dream became a reality in August 1997 when Troop 24 was first chartered to the Men's Club of Friendship United Methodist Church.

The troop started with 5 scouts (3 of them Eagle Scouts) and 3 leaders. Since then, more scouts transferred to the troop and more new scouts joined the troop. We currently have 11 scouts and 11 leaders on our roster.
Troop 24 has raised 10 scouts from Tenderfoot to Eagle Scout. We currently have 3 scouts who are Life rank and are working towards their Eagle rank.

All scouts and their parents are dedicated to the scouting movement.